Scholarship Programme

• Deserving students are awarded a significant share of their educational expenses – including tuition, books and required fees. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships he or she may receive. The student must acquire a minimum of 85% marks in all the subjects inorder to apply for further scrutiny.

• A methodical evaluation includes analysis of grades, standardized test scores, participation in available advanced courses, student essays, letters of recommendation, and family finances. Each year a significant section of students are selected into the programme

• The School support individuals passionate about improving their knowledge and their ability to advance positive social change in their home countries.

• The scholarship programme will empower individuals to explore and develop intelligent and humane ideas generated by free and open inquiry, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the complex challenges facing open societies.

• The School has transparent and merit-based competitions, and we offer awards for advanced study. This further enhances the Teacher- Student bond.

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